Did you receive an invoice from Holter Law for:
401--2023 Registered Agent ("RA") Service; Annual Service Fee
Year 2023 RA Annual Service Fee?
Are you wondering what it is for?
Every Company is REQUIRED by state law to have on file a Registered Agent ("RA") for Service of Process.
This RA service is included at no charge by Holter Law with any new Company formation through the end of that year of formation; and then invoiced annually thereafter at the beginning of the next year. This important service includes the following:
1) Dean Holter, Atty at Law, (aka Holter Law) serving as the Company's RA.
2) Receipt of official mail and service of process as needed.
3) Scanning and email forwarding of received documents.
402--Statement Of Information ("SI") Required Filing
Under CA law, every Company is required to file a Statement Of Information ("SI") by the Company's anniversary date. For a LLC it is every 2 years; for a Corporation every year. If a Company's SI is not filed timely the Company will become "FTB/SOS SUSPENDED", with substantial cost required to revive back to "ACTIVE".
While in "SUSPENDED" status, the liability protection of a LLC can become ineffective. To ensure that your LLC remains in "ACTIVE" status, we file your required SI for you so long as your yearly RA Service invoice amount has bee paid.
403--RA / SI Package Discount if invoice paid by due date.
If Holter Law is acting as the Company's RA and client has paid the RA Annual Service Fee invoice by its due date, Holter Law will file the required SI at no extra charge (a $200 annual savings to client when billed separately).
To verify for yourself, go directly to the California Secretary of State’s website (, click on "Free Business Search and Copies" (from mobile phones), or “Search” on the left side (from computer browser) and type your Company name into the Search Box at the bottom. Then click on your Company name in dark blue at the very bottom to see your Company’s “Status” on the right side slideout.
If your Company Status looks like the Example Company to the right and reads "Suspended", then you have a serious issue that needs your immediate attention.
Per California law, suspended LLCs and Corporations cannot legally transact business (including selling real estate), enforce contracts, or defend itself in lawsuits. This exposes you (the Company owner) to PERSONAL LIABILITY for all debts and creditor claims. It is like getting in a car accident and then discover that your car insurance has lapsed just when you need it most!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Our phone number is (415) 519-9990.
Or, you can email me, Dean Holter, Esq., directly at: